HFSV Pilot Householder Survey

Closes 31 Oct 2024

Opened 10 Jul 2024


SFRS are adapting the Home Fire Safety Visit process with an aim to build on the current Home Fire Safety Visit (HFSV) model and incorporate wider health and social care considerations to help people to maintain independence and improve personal resilience and quality of life through early intervention.  The revised visit places an emphasis on those most at risk from fire across Scotland’s communities, and will provide SFRS with the opportunity to deliver coordinated advice and offer signposting to other organisations who may be able to provide specialist services.  

Why your views matter

SFRS's revised visit Pilot runs from 10 July to 28 August and aims to help reduce fire related incidents within dwellings, the number of fire related casualties and to support a reduction in those being exposed to other forms of unintentional harm, accidents, and/or injuries.   Your feedback and views following a visit to your home is extremely important to us and will inform continuous improvement to the service we provide. 

Give us your views


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