Draft SFRS Strategy 2025-28
The Scottish Fire and Rescue Service (SFRS) invites you to share your views on our draft SFRS Strategy 2025-28.
This document sets our direction for the next three years and is an important step towards our Long-Term Vision as a Service.
To manage known Service risks and achieve our ambitions, we have identified five key strategic objectives for the Service. Each objective holds equal value in driving our Strategy forward.
The Strategy also sets out the outcomes we will pursue to meet our objectives.
Our Strategy sets our direction. The detail of how we will deliver it will be included in our Three-Year Delivery Plan. This is a rolling planning document that details the activities we plan to undertake over the duration of the Strategy.
Development of the Three-Year Delivery Plan will take place once we know we have our Strategy right.
Why your views matter
Your opinion matters. This is your Service and we want to hear your views on our ambition to balance national priorities with the needs of local communities – now and in the future.
The consultation closes at midnight on Wednesday, 2 April 2025.
SFRS is committed to protecting your privacy when you use our services. Our Privacy Notice, found at the bottom of the page, explains how we use information about you and how we protect your privacy.
The survey is a way of finding out your views about our draft SFRS Strategy 2025-28 and the Objectives we aim to achieve between 2025 and 2028. The data collected within the survey will be protected in line with the General Data Protection Regulations and Data Protection Act 2018.
Your participation in this is entirely voluntary and you can withdraw at any time.We believe there are no known risks associated with this consultation; however, as with any online related activity the risk of a data breach is always possible. To the best of our ability your answers in this survey will remain confidential and we will do everything we can to minimise any risks.
If you have any queries in relation to your personal data please contact SFRS.GDPR@firescotland.gov.uk.
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