49 results
Draft SFRS Strategy 2025-28
The Scottish Fire and Rescue Service (SFRS) invites you to share your views on our draft SFRS Strategy 2025-28 . This document sets our direction for the next three years and is an important step towards our Long-Term Vision as a Service. To manage known Service risks and achieve our ambitions, we have identified five key strategic objectives for the Service. Each objective holds equal value in driving our Strategy forward. The... MoreOpened 5 February 2025 -
Wellbeing and Inclusion Evaluation Form - Sugar and Nutrition Presentation
The Wellbeing and Inclusion Group would like to request your feedback on attended events throughout the calendar year which contributes to the Wellbeing and Inclusion Calendar of Events and Campaigns. MoreOpened 1 August 2024 -
HFSV Pilot Householder Survey
SFRS are adapting the Home Fire Safety Visit process with an aim to build on the current Home Fire Safety Visit (HFSV) model and incorporate wider health and social care considerations to help people to maintain independence and improve personal resilience and quality of life through early intervention. The revised visit places an emphasis on those most at risk from fire across Scotland’s communities, and will provide SFRS with the opportunity to deliver coordinated advice and offer... MoreOpened 10 July 2024 -
Shaping Our Future Service: Your Say
The Scottish Fire and Rescue Service (SFRS) is holding a public pre-consultation exercise titled 'Shaping Our Future Service: Your Say'. This is the first stage in our engagement with communities, staff, representative bodies, partners, elected members as we consider changes to the emergency service we deliver across Scotland. As a Service we want to do more for our communities – not just by responding to emergency incidents but by stopping them from... MoreOpened 29 April 2024 -
The Future of Leadhills Community Fire Station
The Scottish Fire and Rescue Service (SFRS) is holding a public consultation to seek views on the future of Leadhills Community Fire Station. The station is under review due to incident data, recruitment challenges, building maintenance and best value. Since February 2015, Leadhills Community Fire Station has not been operational. A decision on the future of the station will be based on robust data, delivering community safety, best value and feedback from the... MoreOpened 10 July 2023 -
Safe and Well Pilot Partner Organisation Consultation
Thank you for taking the time to register your organisatrion as a Safe and Well Partner for the pilot project. By completing the Data Sharing Framework you have ensured both your organisation and SFRS understand their specific roles in protecting the data and information shared between us. To help SFRS understand the value of the pilot and make improvements, where necessary, we would be most grateful for your feedback. Please give as much information as possible, both positive and... MoreOpened 22 August 2022 -
Draft Strategic Plan 2022-25
The Scottish Fire and Rescue Service (SFRS) invites you to share your views on our draft Strategic Plan 2022-25 . Our Strategic Plan details the activities we want to achieve to contribute to the safety and wellbeing of Scottish communities, whilst keeping our firefighters safe. The seven Outcomes set out within our Plan complement the priorities in the Fire and Rescue Framework for Scotland 2022 . The Fire and Rescue Framework is developed by the Scottish... MoreOpened 9 May 2022 -
SFRS Training Modules
Thank you for taking part in the Safe and Well Training Modules. Your feedback is invaluable to us. Please complete the attached survey giving as much information as possible. Both positive and negative feedback will be gratefully received. MoreOpened 16 February 2022 -
Pilot Public Consultation
Safe and Well (S&W) aims to build on the current Home Fire Safety Visit (HFSV) model and incorporate wider health and social care considerations, help enable people to maintain independence and improve personal resilience and quality of life through early intervention. The emphasis will be on those most at risk across Scotland’s communities, referred by key partner agencies, providing SFRS with the opportunity to deliver coordinated advice, offer signposting and identify people who... MoreOpened 15 February 2022 -
SFRS Pilot Participants
Thank you for participating in the Safe and Well Pilot. Providing feedback after each visit will ensure SFRS can deal with, in a timely manner, any issues or problems you have encountered. It is particularly important that you immediately highlight any ICT issues you experience as these will require to be acted on as soon as possible. YOU SHOULD COMPLETE THIS SURVEY AFTER EVERY SAFE AND WELL VISIT YOU CARRY OUT. Please give as much detail as possible and thank you again... MoreOpened 1 February 2022 -
National Operations Control Sharepoint
Operations Control are currently reviewing their National Operations Control Sharesite to make improvements for our Operations Control Colleagues. We would really appreciate your views on the site to assist us in making improvements. This survey is anonymous, Thank you for your participation. MoreOpened 7 January 2022 -
Home Safety Survey, Children 0-5 Years
The South Lanarkshire Unintentional Injuries Group consists of a range of agencies and groups. One of its aims is to work together in partnership to help prevent accidents in the home, for example burns, scalds and poisonings, among very young children. This survey is aimed at the parent, guardian, or primary carer of a child zero to five years of age living in South Lanarkshire. The survey is voluntary and anonymous, and no identifying personal information is... MoreOpened 1 October 2021 -
Time for Change: Reducing Unwanted Fire Alarm Signals
As part of our public consultation on reducing unwanted fire alarm signals, we’d like to hear your views on our three proposals to change the way we respond to workplace automatic fire alarms - known as AFAs. Each year we attend more than 28,000 false alarms from workplace AFAs. On average we send two fire engines to each call so that’s around 57,000 unnecessary blue light journeys and 64,000 hours checking alarms - often because they are dusty, broken or in many cases... MoreOpened 19 July 2021 -
SFRS – Long-Term Vision
As part of our public consultation on a long-term vision for the Scottish Fire and Rescue Service (SFRS), we’d like to hear your views on our plans for how the Service should evolve over the next decade and beyond. Please take five minutes to complete our short questionnaire below. Thank you. MoreOpened 7 June 2021 -
SFRS Legal Services Questionnaire
SFRS Legal Services aim to provide a high quality in- house service. To allow us to evaluate and continuously improve upon the services we provide we would greatly appreciate your assistance in completing this questionnaire. Kindly rate the following questions by crossing your chosen answer. MoreOpened 20 April 2020 -
Local Fire and Rescue Plan Review 2020
Following publication of the Scottish Fire and Rescue Strategic Plan 2019-22 in October 2019, we will be reviewing and revising our Local Fire and Rescue Plans. We invite you to share your views on our local service provision. This is to make sure our local priorities remain relevant to local needs and risk as well as aligned to our new strategic ambitions. This survey is open for ten weeks, closing on 18 March 2020. Your opinion matters and we would like... MoreOpened 8 January 2020 -
SFRS Statistics
To help us to provide relevant, useful and timely statistics we would like your feedback on what we publish on our statistics webpage . We anticipate that some users make use of content from each of our two statistical series and so have included questions on both in this consultatation, although these sections can be skipped if not applicable. We expect that it will take around 10 minutes to complete this consultation. MoreOpened 30 August 2019 -
SFRS Website Survey
We would like you to take a few minutes to let us know what you think of our website. By sharing your experiences of using our site, you can help us make improvements and make it more useful for everyone. It will take less than five minutes to complete, so please let us know what you think . All comments welcomed and appreciated. MoreOpened 11 June 2019 -
Scottish Fire and Rescue Service Women Only Recruitment Events March 2019
The Scottish Fire and Rescue Service are seeking feedback from attendees at recent Positive Action events in relation to the firefighter recruitment campaigns in order to inform improvements to future events. MoreOpened 18 March 2019 -
Your Service...Your Voice: A consultation on the safe and planned future of the Scottish Fire and Rescue Service
The Scottish Fire and Rescue Service is transforming and we want you to be part of our decision-making process by giving you the opportunity to tell us your views and ideas on the future of your Service. MoreOpened 13 February 2018 -
Falkirk Draft Local Fire and Rescue Plan 2017
A new Local Fire and Rescue Plan has been drafted for Falkirk. This has been prepared following a review of our performance over the past three years. To inform the review we asked local people and partners how well they thought we were doing and what else they thought the Scottish Fire and Rescue Service could do to improve community outcomes. We also carried out a thorough assessment of our operational and other available local data to identify risks and the priorities we still need to... MoreOpened 31 October 2017 -
West Lothian Draft Local Fire and Rescue Plan 2017
A new Local Fire and Rescue Plan has been drafted for West Lothian. This has been prepared following a review of our performance over the past three years. To inform the review we asked local people and partners how well they thought we were doing and what else they thought the Scottish Fire and Rescue Service could do to improve community outcomes. We also carried out a thorough assessment of our operational and other available local data to identify risks and the priorities we still... MoreOpened 31 October 2017 -
West Dunbartonshire Draft Local Fire and Rescue Plan 2017
A new Local Fire and Rescue Plan has been drafted for the West Dunbartonshire area. This has been prepared following a review of our performance over the past three years. To inform the review we asked local people and partners how well they thought we were doing and what else they thought the Scottish Fire and Rescue Service could do to improve community outcomes. We also carried out a thorough assessment of our operational and other available local data to identify risks and the... MoreOpened 5 October 2017 -
East Dunbartonshire Draft Local Fire and Rescue Plan 2017
A new Local Fire and Rescue Plan has been drafted for the East Dunbartonshire area. This has been prepared following a review of our performance over the past three years. To inform the review we asked local people and partners how well they thought we were doing and what else they thought the Scottish Fire and Rescue Service could do to improve community outcomes. We also carried out a thorough assessment of our operational and other available local data to identify risks and the... MoreOpened 5 October 2017 -
Stirling Draft Local Fire and Rescue Plan 2017
A new Local Fire and Rescue Plan has been drafted for the Stirling area. This has been prepared following a review of our performance over the past three years. To inform the review we asked local people and partners how well they thought we were doing and what else they thought the Scottish Fire and Rescue Service could do to improve community outcomes. We also carried out a thorough assessment of our operational and other available local data to identify risks and the priorities we... MoreOpened 5 October 2017 -
Social Impact Pledge Nominations 2017/18
In 2016, the Scottish Government launched an initiative aimed at increasing the social impact of public sector organisations across Scotland. The Social Impact Pledge asks public sector organisations to identify three commitments to improving their current operations or policies that will deliver benefits to communities. These commitments should be things that are new or are an expansion of current initiatives that will deliver tangible benefits to the wider community or targeted groups. ... MoreOpened 27 September 2017 -
East Lothian Draft Community Fire and Rescue Plan
A new Community Fire and Rescue Plan has been drafted for the East Lothian area. This has been prepared following a review of our performance over the past three years. To inform the review we asked local people and partners how well they thought we were doing and what else they thought the Scottish Fire and Rescue Service could do to improve community outcomes. We also carried out a thorough assessment of our operational and other available local data to identify risks and the... MoreOpened 25 September 2017 -
Scottish Borders Draft Community Fire and Rescue Plan
A new Community Fire and Rescue Plan has been drafted for the Scottish Borders area. This has been prepared following a review of our performance over the past three years. To inform the review we asked local people and partners how well they thought we were doing and what else they thought the Scottish Fire and Rescue Service could do to improve community outcomes. We also carried out a thorough assessment of our operational and other available local data to identify risks and the... MoreOpened 25 September 2017 -
Midlothian Draft Community Fire and Rescue Plan
A new Community Fire and Rescue Plan has been drafted for the Midlothian area. This has been prepared following a review of our performance over the past three years. To inform the review we asked local people and partners how well they thought we were doing and what else they thought the Scottish Fire and Rescue Service could do to improve community outcomes. We also carried out a thorough assessment of our operational and other available local data to identify risks and the priorities... MoreOpened 25 September 2017 -
Na H-Eileanan An Iar Draft Local Fire and Rescue Plan 2017
A new Local Fire and Rescue Plan has been drafted for the Na H-Eileanan An Iar area. This has been prepared following a review of our performance over the past three years. To inform the review we asked local people and partners how well they thought we were doing and what else they thought the Scottish Fire and Rescue Service could do to improve community outcomes. We also carried out a thorough assessment of our operational and other available local data to identify risks and the... MoreOpened 18 September 2017
49 results.
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